Happy Mother’s Day Mom

Momzie and Patricia2

There IS Love

We’ve been the best of friends and  fought like enemies.

We laughed until we cried, and cried until … we didn’t speak.


Yet, with all the laughing and crying,

there was Love.


The years have softened and humbled us,

We learned to appreciate each other more.

Suddenly I opened my eyes, to what I didn’t see before.

I saw a mother who worked her hardest, to be the best Mom she could be.

Who told me who God was, and of all that He could see.

A Mom who still encouraged me, even when I fell.

Who taught me about gratitude, and how to be thankful.

A Mom who cared enough to ground me, when my grades went down.

But the praise I heard when they came back up, was always the best sound.


With all the laughing and crying,

There was love.


I have so many memories

They always make me smile,

I am grateful for all my Mom has done.

Though I’m sorry it took a while.

When I think back over the years now,

This is what I see,

Just how strong my Mothers’ love, has always been for me.

Through all the laughing and crying,

There always was Love!

Thanks Mom … sorry it took so long to see what was there all along.

I LOVE YOU TOO! ~ Trish xoxo


About Patricia McGee

I am Patricia and I believe I have a responsibility to myself and to everyone I know and love, to work daily to raise my level of consciousness! I want to live a life that reflects the teachings and philosophy of Jesus Christ, Buddha, Mother Theresa and so many others. To be non-judgmental, unconditionally loving, peaceful, forgiving, grateful and eager to help others heal. With this blog I hope to share my experiences, insights, and my unconditional love with you. I encourage you to try to find the light within everyone. It may be deeper in some than others, but it IS there. Namaste, Patricia "The divine in me, recognizes and appreciates the divine within each an every one of You!"
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1 Response to Happy Mother’s Day Mom

  1. clay says:

    That is a one of the best gifts you can give a mom!!

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